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Sleep is one of the most talked about subjects we at The GVP are asked about.  Which isn't a surprise as everyone needs their sleep including the puppies.  Fundamentally they need sleep, in order to grow.  Think of them like a baby, they feed, they play, they toilet, they sleep.  Setting a good routine from the start is critical to ensure they have the downtime they need so they do not become over stimulated which could be at detriment to their behavior and their growth.


Just remember, the first 3-5 days will be the toughest these little beings have been used to sleeping on top of or in very close vicinity to their siblings and mother.  Good tips are to wrap a ticking clock in a secure bundle and place in their bed to mimmick the heartbeat, along with the comfort each and every new owner takes home with them.  


The GVP point of view on 'to crate or not to crate' is non directional.  Our belief is you setup a 'safe' environment that puppy knows is their 'sleeping house'.  This could be a dedicated room with a cosy bed, a snuggly crate, a corner with a cosy sleeping area, but somewhere they always refer to as sleep time.  Ensuring that, this place is always greeted with happiness will ensure that your puppy transitions from his siblings and mother in a much quicker and easier way.  If you 'dare' take your puppy to bed, you will be setting yourself up for a much harder transition if later on in his/her life you want your bed back.  Vizsla's would sleep next to you as snuggled as they can, but beware if you set this up from the start they will believe this is the only place they can sleep!


There are many good guides across the internet on puppy sleeping so please do take the time to read up on this before you greet your new puppy.


Please remember puppies need to grow and therefore puppies SHOULD be sleeping 80% of any given 24hrs in the first 6 - 9 months. .  These are medium sized dogs and therefore they have a lot of growing to do.





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